Announcing release of Overlays – New Range of resources for live streamers

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Camgirl.Cloud web designers and developer department is excited to announce the release of Overlays.

What are overlays?

Long story short, overlays from our platform are editable browser based web pages which can hold and display content on top of a live broadcast video stream.

Games, notification bars, badges, progress bars, interactive and flexible animated overlays to kickstart your live session and boost interaction with your audience.


We’re living in a more and more digital world with more time spent on online environment, its time to step-up and adapt. An overlay makes the difference between a boring live stream and an interactive one. Interaction makes things happen, opportunities arise, communication flow and yes can be fun too.

What would you prefer? After 3-4 hours of live streaming, humans need at least 5 minutes break right?

What would you do? End the live streaming session hoping that after your 5 minutes break when you’ll comeback all your audience is still there? Let’s be frank, after 5 seconds when your broadcast session is offline all viewers are gone.

A way to “fix” that is having a cool “Away Screen” – “Be Right Back” overlay to keep your audience in your channel (room, streaming page, live video chat page).

Keep your audience interested, entertained, make them come back every time you’re online.

Cons: let us know!

Under the hood.

Our overlays are optimized for fast rendering and fast page load.

Yup, from the cloud environment all over the world.

No video files.

Fact, not everyone has an airplane as pc/laptop so we’ve optimize and made resources compatible with multiple devices. None of our overlays use video files so don’t worry about live streaming session drop-frame and huge RAM/CPU consumption.

Camgirl.Cloud overlays are using two environments for editing purpose and quick editing with trigger.

I’m sure you have no idea what I’m talking about but keep reading and you’ll find out why.

Editor tool is used to edit text based content and change graphics (where applicable) of the overlay project, so this is the first environment I was mentioning about a couple of line above.

The second environment is the Controller feature. Controller itself  is a small, light weight (but powerful) standalone window which has different functions for different overlays.

Use Controller to quick edit texts and trigger animations (when applicable) — pretty much depends on what the overlay project does.

Depending on what the overlay does and what animation has, this standalone can show one button or multiple input type fields.

The Controller is made for quick editing and trigger actions and can be used from mobile device too.

For now the released OLs will be classified into 3 galleries:
  • OL Chaturbate (tip alert, tip goal)
  • OL Games (spinners, bet and other random actions)
  • OL Standalone (BRBs, Frames and other static OLs)
Right now we have one plan OL Basic including:
  • OL Games
  • OL Standalone

OL Chaturbate will be included into CB Premium plan

Please note that we are still developing and testing different type of overlays for simple games, tip alerts (available for beta users only at this moment) — so if you have questions, suggestions or feedback use the support forum to post.

We also work on detailed documentation for this range of resources.

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