Camgirl Live Editor

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About Camgirl Live Editor tool

Camgirl Live Editor is a template editor tool and not a template builder.

What is the difference you may ask…

Simple explanation.

Editing a template  defines the process which allows you to choose from available gallery a template and edit, change, swap images or other content.

Building a template on the other hand (not currently supported)   defines the possibility of adding new elements, new blocks, sections and position them as you see fit.

Camgirl Live Editor is … yes an editor tool and not a building tool


For the first time ever, camgirl community has a new live tool available.
The Live Editor is build by freelance web designers, developers in close collaboration with webcam performers from websites and services for which we provide custom editable templates.
Yes it is true, the editor is a very special live tool inspired by model’s active needs
Build with love for camgirl community

Easy to use

What is much easier than copy and paste?
Yes, the entire customization process is based on this simple activity… copy and paste.

User-friendly interface with live preview and option panel makes the editing more fun.
Yes, editing should be fun not geeky and stressful.

This is what easy-to-use should be defined.

What can the Editor can do?

Take it for a spin Access the forum community