Camgirl Cloud – update in Editor’s functionality.
The Crop function enabled. With this feature the user can resize, crop (cut) and move the image to fit the default graphic element.
The action is pretty straight-forward. We tend to simplify the editing process by allowing the user to upload their images faster skipping the redirect process when editor is in use.
Crop action is automatically detected and enabled when the user is replacing images via Media Library.
Cropping tool support the resize of the selected image (zoom in/out), select the cropped area (dragging the image), automatic save / upload of the cropped image and insert it in designated area.
Background images are not triggering the crop action as the tool will only target the image elements using the <img
HTML tag.
[su_youtube_advanced url=”” width=”700″ loop=”yes” rel=”no” modestbranding=”yes” https=”yes” wmode=”transparent”]
- Select the image element in order to change the image
- From the right sidebar click on +media library
- Select your previously uploaded image (or upload it right away)
- The crop function is allowing you to edit the size (mouse scroll or use the slider) and position of the crop by dragging the image
- Click the Insert button
The presentation video above is showing you all the actions of the Crop feature.
Note: For the changes to take effect you need to save the template.
Upon saving the template, the cropped image used is also saved on our platform. This additional feature comes with updates in Terms and Conditions .
Additional updates have been made public on FAQ page.
If you have questions feel free to contact us or post them on support forum community.