One interesting message from CGC member and I quote:
“Offer more discounts or at least lower the prices because it’s not so affordable”
Currently CGC offers the lowest prices ever in comparison with others.
For example (and I am not allowed to give names because we don’t want to do bad publicity) a single banner (image, no code, no hosting, no updates after delivery) starts from 15$ to 200$ (header/splash page type)
Other freelance web designers offer their services starting with 50$ up to 99$ and above for a single Chaturbate image used as bio.
Now, let’s do the math for CGC prices and why we consider we offer so much more with lowest bucks.
Let’s choose a range of templates and minimum price to access, do the math , see the result and do the same steps for biggest value for the same range.
MyFreeCams range , with lowest subscription plan and access
MFC – Basic MFC range is 20$/mo . Access to 9 templates, saved 1 project plus 1 subdomain
The math
20/9/1 = 2.2$
Basically, a template from MFC Basic range is 2$/mo
Having access to all available templates from this range implies that you can save a project on your pc/laptop this way you benefit from more than 1 saved project.
Ok, let’s do the math for MFC Premium range
MFC – Premium MFC range is 30$/mo – Access to 39 templates plus Basic and Gold range of templates so access is granted to 69 designs, save 3 projects plus 1 subdomain.
69/30/3 = 0.7$
What if we do the math for Premium Chaturbate range?
CB premium subscription is 20$/mo , 10 saved projects, 1 subdomain and access to 202 templates form CB Premium, CB Gold and CB Basic.
Math for Premium CB subscription with 202 access templates divided by value of the range/mo , divided by the number of saved templates
202/20/10 = 1.01$
If I’m not to bad at math… it looks like some templates are less than a 1$ .
Feel free to do the math by yourself.