Some of our designs for Chaturbate platform include a new feature named Join My Fan Club (on other designs might have another name, but the functionality is the same)
There are two options a webcam performer can take full advantage of this awesome feature.
1. Setup Fan Club via Chaturbate settings
– allows one token amount but enables subscription type of payment
2. Using password protected galleries
– allows multiple token amounts but access with one time fee
Setting Up the Fan Club via Chaturbate is pretty straight forward.
– go to your account click on Settings and Privacy tab.
– scroll down until Fan Club Settings
– from drop-down options choose a cost value – this is the amount of tokens a user will pay monthly in order to access your Fan Club content
– click the Update Settings to apply
– when the performer is online, in the right side of their bio a link shows up Join Fan Club.
– copy the link and add it to any button/text or graphic available in our designs

Using password protected galleries might be another suggestion you’ll be interested to use.
– create password protected galleries, add the content you want (images or videos) set up the toke amount
– grab the link of the gallerie and add it as a button in your bio design, you project.
Using galleries seams to be more efficient as some premiums might be discouraged by the idea of paying a monthly fee if they are not regulars on certain chat rooms
Password protected galleries are one time fee and not subscription type.
So, choose your favorite method and start making money. Good luck!