Templates Camgirl.Cloud Forums Developer corner Need to know How HTML and inline CSS works on Chaturbate

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    • #57032

      If you are familiar with CB/CG platforms you already know which HTML tags are accepted.
      It is true, the platforms are not so flexible but with experience and practice, any registered member can edit and create amazing Bio designs for themselves or for their friends.

      HTML tags accepted by CB/CG

      You may use some HTML tags (a p i strong b u ul ol li h1 h2 h3 img font br). Do not block the site navigation or display IP statistics of visitors – Chaturbate suggestion.

      We strongly suggest to remember the last one. Do not block the site navigation or display IP statistics of visitors.

      As you can see, NONE of our templates brake the rules.
      Here is the list of HTML tags used and accepted by Chaturbate/Camgasm websites

      a – html tag used to define a link
      <a href="

      p – html paragraph tag

      i – html tag used to render the text italic style

      strong – html tag used to render the text in bold style — similar to b html tag

      u – html tag is used to underline a defined text element

      ul, ol, li – html tags used to render list styles and list types

      <li>some text or link here</li>

      h1, h2, h3 – html tags which defines heading text elements
      <h1>Template Live Editor</h1>

      img – html tag used to define and render image element
      <img src="

      font – html tag used to define and render style for text elements
      <font ....

      br – html element for brake – basically it starts a new line braking a paragraph, a text element or can add a space between other elements like graphics (images)

      This are the basic HTML tags supported and accepted by CB and CG platforms

      To each of the elements CSS inline style can be applied.


      <p style="display:block;width:90%;height:auto;padding:20px 20px;background-color:#f1f1f1;border:2px solid #cccccc;margin:10px auto 20px 10px;">some content</p>

      The above markup is using a paragraph HTML tag with inline CSS defined by style="..."

      The element is defined by its style attributes and will be rendered like an individual element wrapping content.

      By default p tags are block elements (display:block) I’ve added as a fix for the platform.

      Width of the element is 90% and not a fixed value (700px or 870px)
      Height auto. The p element which holds additional content will have the relative height based on the content inside. If I have only one image with 300px height, the paragraph will have total height of 340px (padding values added to the height of the image)

      Background color. When coding the markup for a template it is good use the background attributes as it should. Above example is using background-color with HEX color value.

      background-color: #f1f1f1 – suggested

      background-image: url(image-path) – suggested

      background:#f1f1f1 – not

      background: url(image-path) – not

      Optional other style attributes and values can be used/added to visually enhance the element or its content.

      border, font-size, color, font-variant, text-shadow, border-radius, box-shadow, background-image

      Download – HTML Beginner Guide

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  CGC.
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  CGC. Reason: reviewed the markup
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  CGC.
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